2021 EXPLOITATION - Once data has been collected and analyzed the Cleaner Ocean Club and consortium members will be in a position to confirm (2021) what size of fleet operations might be needed to restore Mediterranean ecosystems to a healthy and clean state. In addition, the likely cost of such operations might be better estimated from the purely theoretical situation that we find ourselves in at present.
This information will be written into a Report that tells of the design, build, trials and harvesting ratios that will have been achieved as the project reaches that stage.
SeaVax will be available to give demonstrations to potentially interested nations and would be available to the European Parliament in Brussels by way of presentations, and also for viewing in the port of Antwerp if that is an option.
Free licenses to build such craft will be offered to boat builders with appropriate levels of technical support in line with the requirements of potential end users.
Team members will make themselves reasonably available for presentations and for media interviews, to include allowing guided tours of the SeaVax vessel.
There are five specific deliverables that are reflected (divided) into year links below. Note that the project is 36 months in duration, but begins in 2017 and ends in 2021, so spans five years.
Project management/liaison between the Cleaner Oceans Club and other consortium members is not shown below as a deliverable, though absorbs 36 man/months (MM) running in tandem with the specific work packages that we would work to.
Overheads are worked out as 20%* of the overall project budget.
Contingency is worked out as 20%** of the overall project budget.
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