Improving the effectiveness of SeaVax™ to make it logistically viable is one of our priority development areas. The objective of this proposal is to collaborate with other technologists with expertise in specific area to help us develop our ocean cleaning machines into an economic tool for the long-term prosperity of the immediate target geographical region. We hope that local success will spread as part of a global sustainability drive for a truly international circular economy.
2019 CONSTRUCTION - As partners to the consortium aiming to tackle several areas in the above passage, as our third stage (2019), we would construct a SeaVax vessel in a cost effective manner, that includes a low-cost combined jig & launcher for beach launching and recovery. The SeaVax will be equipped with ocean sensors, satellite communications and autonomous navigation capability such that target pollution might be identified and said information relayed to the appropriate consortium partner to verify the findings and compare with readings taken by satellite sensors such that SeaVax may become a more effective ocean cleaning tool.
There are five specific deliverables that are reflected (divided) into year links below. Note that the project is 36 months in duration, but begins in 2017 and ends in 2021, so spans five years.
Project management/liaison between the Cleaner Oceans Club and other consortium members is not shown below as a deliverable, though absorbs 36 man/months (MM) running in tandem with the specific work packages that we would work to.
Overheads are worked out as 20%* of the overall project budget.
Contingency is worked out as 20%** of the overall project budget.
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